Meth Facts
What is Methamphetamine?
Methamphetamine (Meth) is a member of the amphetamine group of synthetic drugs that have a stimulant effect on a person’s central nervous system. In New Zealand the nickname for Meth is P.
What happens if I have a property contaminated by meth?
Buildings or dwellings where Meth has been used or made can become contaminated with harmful chemicals that pose a danger to future occupiers. Properties where the level of Meth contamination is greater than 1.5μg/100sqcm remediation is recommended.
Methamphetamine is manufactured in New Zealand in clandestine (secret) drug laboratories, known as ‘clan labs’. ‘Clan labs’ can be found throughout New Zealand in houses, garages, outbuildings, apartments, baches and motor vehicles.
How it harms the innocent
Methamphetamine is a crystal that vaporises when heated, as in smoking. The vapor clings to surfaces and reforms into crystals. People who come in contact with these surfaces can ingest the meth through their skin or by touching contaminated surfaces then touching mouth, nose or eyes.
Effects from Exposure
Short Term
- Rashes
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Burning to the eyes, skin, mouth and nose
Long Term
- Cancer
- Brain, kidney and liver damage
- Miscarriage and birth defects